Here are some Common Ground-doves that I have found recently. Always fun to see and quite handsome at close range.
Besides these, I've had recent sightings in Butts County and Fayette County in Dec, 07.
Over the years I've had them in all the surrounding counties in the piedmont, although they are almost never reported
by other birders in the piedmont for some reason.
I've also found Inca Dove twice in this area. I think if other observers took the time, Inca Dove would turn up
occasionally as it has in a couple of the nearby states. However, since there are seldom reports of Ground-doves by
other birders, probability would say that they aren't going to be reporting the much, much rarer Inca Dove.
Some of the higher counts of Ground-doves for me have been:
4+ in Spalding
3 in Butts
6+ in Monroe
Up to 20 in Upson
40 on the Fall Line in Macon many years ago
I believe the most reliable spot in GA for this species is my parents' yard in Upson County.
Eric Beohm