Georgia Birding and Nature

Clay-colored Sparrows
Recent Georgia Photos of Rare Birds
Lake Hartwell, Georgia
Lake Seminole
Lake Walter F. George
Lake Horton
West Point Lake
GI Horse Park
Yard List
GA Birding Year 2004-6
Yellow-billed Loons
Red-throated Loons (24 Inland)
Red-throated Loons (Inland)
Pacific Loons
Western Grebe
Red-necked Grebes
Eared Grebes
Horned Grebe (summer)
Great Cormorant
Magnificent Frigatebirds (Inland)
Sabine's Gulls
Thayer's Gull
Thayer's Gull - more photos
Franklin's Gulls
California Gull, Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, Thayer's Gull
Little Gull
Black-legged Kittiwake
Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Inland)
Sooty Terns, Royal Tern & Sandwich Tern (Inland)
Arctic Tern (Inland)
Pomarine Jaegers (Inland)
Long-tailed Jaegers (Inland)
Parasitic Jaeger (Inland)
Brown Pelicans (Inland)
American White Pelicans (76 in Piedmont)
American White Pelicans (100+ inland)
Common Mergansers
Mottled Duck (Inland)
Long-tailed Ducks
Rare Ducks
Rare Ducks for Summer
Greater White-fronted Geese
Barnacle Goose
Ross's Geese (7)
Ross's Geese in Upson Co
Ross's Geese Elsewhere
Snow Geese
Snow Geese in Summer
Mute Swans (appearing wild)
Black Swans (exotic)
Bell's Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Scott's Oriole
Cave Swallows
Rare Swallows
Black-billed Cuckoos
Clay-colored Sparrows
Lark Sparrows
Lincoln's Sparrow
Wilson's Warblers
Audubon's Warbler
Alder and Willow Flycatchers
Yellow-bellied Flycatchers
Least Flycatchers
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Western Kingbird
Brewer's Blackbirds
Yellow-headed Blackbirds
Common Ground-doves in Piedmont
Rare Shorebirds
Wilson's Phalarope
Long-billed Curlews
Willets (Inland)
American Avocets (Inland)
Baird's Sandpiper
Buff-breasted Sandpipers
Upland Sandpipers 52 seen
American Golden Plover
Anhingas in Piedmont
Anhingas Nesting in Piedmont
Roseate Spoonbill in Piedmont
Wood Storks in Piedmont
Night-Herons in Piedmont
Herons, Egrets, Ibises
Plegadis Ibis (Inland)
White Ibis (Piedmont in Winter)
Swainson's Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk (Western)
Golden Eagle
Swallow-tailed Kites in Piedmont
Pelagic Birds
Cedar Waxwings Nesting in Southern Piedmont
31 Species of Warbler in 1 Day
Birds Abroad - Dominican Republic
Birds Abroad - Jamaica
Birds Abroad - St. Lucia
Birds Abroad - Barbados
Birds Abroad - St. Martin
Birds Abroad - St. Croix
Birds Abroad - Antigua
Birds Abroad - Guatemala
Birds Abroad - Central America & Caribbean
Birds Abroad - West Coast
Texas Birds

Clay-colored from Thomaston, Upson Co, Piedmont region of GA, found by Michael Beohm 10/27/00.

Below I included photos of:
Clay-colored Sparrows at Lake Seminole, GA, 11/13/04.  At least eight birds probably more, but I didn't want to over-count them.
I am pleased that at least three of the fifty or more attempted photos turned out.  Thank goodness this guy wasn't camera shy. 
"Look to your left.  Ok, now straight ahead.  Good!"
Eric Beohm




Yesterday, 11/14/04, Michael Beohm and I birded Lake Seminole, GA. We got back late last night, and I thought I would give a quick list of the birds we discovered there. I might update with more details later if I have time.
BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLER (1, near the dam. Quite a treat. It was moving south with other migrants. Probably well into Florida by now though. Points off of Booster Club Road near the dam would be good spots to check.)
YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD (1 male, and what may have been a female. In with the large flocks of blackbirds there. I discovered this location years ago as a potential spot for them due to the large numbers of blackbirds there.)
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW (8, amazing number.  The high count for GA of this species is listed as 3 though I believe a large group of birders on the coast once had 4.  The birds were above Seminole State Park about 2 miles north on Hwy 39.  Take a left on Dresser Farm Road.  Look for sparrows on the side of this dirt road for the next mile.  Do not go into the fields which are private property.)
PLEGADIS IBIS (2 GLOSSY/WHITE-FACED IBIS flew by over the lake.  Any inland sighting in Georgia of a plegadis ibis is noteworthy.
CATTLE EGRET (flock of 50 flew by the lake.  The Birding GA lists them as absent or very rare away from the coast this time of year.)
There were so many interesting birds that it is a bit hard to list them all:
Henslow's Sparrow (1)
White-crowned Sparrow (15)
Vesper Sparrow (50)
White Ibis (100)
Black-crowned Night-heron (7)
Tricolored Heron (1)
Barn Swallow (3)
Tree Swallow (50)
Canvasback (10+)
Redhead (8)
American Widgeon (6)
Greater Scaup (1)
Northern Pintail (2)
Common Loon (1)
Pine Siskin (2)
Brown Creeper (1)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (3)
Yellow-throated Warbler (2)
Blue-headed Vireo (10)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (2)
Orange-crowned Warbler (3)
Anhinga (30)
Common Moorhen (30)
Black Vulture (several groups of over 50)
Turkey Vulture (several groups of 50-100+)
Bald Eagle (maybe 20)
Osprey (10+)
Cooper's (6)
Sharp-shinned (9)
Lesser Yellowlegs (2)
Common Ground-dove (20+)
House Wren
Marsh Wren 
By the way the lake was covered with fog until about noon.  Also, the lake had many boaters on it, perhaps due to a bass tournament.  Gun shots could be heard around the lake at times.  Points we covered included: areas around the state park, Sealy Point, Hwy 253 and Hwy 310, and Booster Club Road.  Anyway, it was fun to finally get out bird.
Good birding,
Eric Beohm
Griffin, GA