Feb 7, 2014 Lake Hartwell, GA
Red-throated Loon (10, a surprisingly high count)
I am glad I got photos because I doubt this
many in one location would be believed!
Update: Many of the birds stayed for weeks and were
Eric Beohm
Update: On March 19, 2014 I found 24 Red-throated
Loons at Lake Hartwell, GA.

Red-throated Loon - This was one of the closer ones. |

Red-throated Loon - Here is one coming in for a landing. |

Red-throated Loon after landing. |

Here is another Red-throated Loon in with Ring-billed Gulls. |

Two Red-throated Loons |

Two Red-throated Loons |

Two Red-throated Loons |

These two Red-throated Loons were farther in the distance. |

One close with Ring-billed Gull. |

March 19, 2014 at Lake Hartwell, GA. I found TWENTY-FOUR Red-throated Loons. See below.

Red-throated Loons - An amazing total of 24 seen. |

Red-throated Loons |

Red-throated Loons |

Red-throated Loons |

Red-throated Loons |
Found 24 Red-throated Loons once again at Lake Hartwell, GA 02/26/2015.

Red-throated Loon - 1 of 24 seen at Lake Hartwell, GA 02/26/2015. |

Red-throated Loon |

Red-throated Loon |

Five Red-throated Loons at Lake Hartwell GA |

Eight Red-throated Loons at Lake Hartwell GA |

Red-throated Loons in the back. |

Red-throated Loon |