Here's a Warbling Vireo in my yard in Spalding County Oct, 2006.
Warbling Vireos are a rare if not very rare migrant in GA. I remember hearing a few years ago that one had
never even been photographed in GA which is surprising, especially if still true.
There are no breeding records. However, I did have a bird in Rabun County (GA mountains) in June of 2002 and
July of 2003 which would be the first reports of the bird occuring in summer.
I live too far away to bird the mountains, but I'm sure a few summer in north GA.
I usually only see a couple migrating a year. This is the second one I've had in the yard. I had one this
spring at the Conyers Horse Park. That and the Chattahoochee River Cochran Shoals Unit would be two of the better
locations to check for this species.
Eric Beohm