Night-herons are listed as rare in the Piedmont. Black-crowns are reported less in the summer than Yellow-crowns.
I doubt too many people are sloshing through the marsh, just to be "kwoked" or "scowled" at. I've lost one too
many boot doing this and don't recommend it. Occasionally, though you might stumble on a Night-heron in the Piedmont.
If so, listen for its call and check its legs.
I found two Black-Crowned Night-Herons in Spalding County on 08/08/06. (Photo of one below.)
I found four Yellow-Crowned Night-Herons at the GIHP in Conyers, Rockdale County in May 2006. (Bottom two photos.)
I also found two to three at Constitution Lakes in DeKalb County in June 2006. I took photos, but I'm not sure
where they are.
I included a photo that I took of a YCNH from Lake Horton 08/14/06.
Eric Beohm