I found a Parasitic Jaeger at Lake Hartwell, GA 09/27/2015. Photos blurry but still show fieldmarks that eliminate
similar species.
- Eric Beohm

Parasitic Jaeger - slender body. Head and bill not large. Tail showed two tiny points. |

The bird made some wide circles around portions of the lake. |

High winds and rain clouds made photos difficult. |

The jaeger was a warm cinnamon buff color. |

Note the prominent white flash on upperwing. |

Bird was circling around Long Point and was chasing the terns. |

The bird would shoot up and attack the terns. |

Note the white uppertail coverts and white upperwing patches. |

The bird was leaner than Pomarine. |

Note the warm brown buff body plumage. |

I could see the bird much better through my scope. |

The bird was chasing the terns relentlessly. |