are six Ross's Geese that we found at Clark's Hill Reservoir. We could see the birds well through the scope, but the
photos didn't turn out well. For example we could see the eyes and details of the bill through the scope which are
hard to see in most of the photos. However, I took over 50 photos and all field marks are addressed when
looking at all the photos. Of course, I'm not going to put all the photos on this site. The basic field marks
can be seen in these photos.

Six Ross's Geese at CHR on 11/27/2010. |

Note the structure. The round head. Absence of a pronounced bill. Short-thick neck, etc. |

The birds have clean white feathers, etc for the juvenile on the right. |

Not one of the best photos but note the dark wingtips. |
Here is a ROSS'S GOOSE that I found at Lake Walter F. George on 11/13/06.
I could see the bird quite well through my spotting scope. Taking a clear photo, though,
was a different matter. For instance, I could see the black wingtips quite easily, however, this is hardly discernable,
in the photos. I didn't have my regular camera, so I attempted some shots with an inferior substitute. As bad
as the photos are you can still make out the fieldmarks. The bird was actually about the same size as the ducks though
noticeably larger than the nearby coots. The camera seemed to make the goose appear larger than it actually was.
I think this is because it was getting dark at the time, and the Ross's Goose appeared very white. The Ross's was turned
so that I could see it's profile. The ducks and coots are mainly turned facing towards are away from the camera making
them look smaller. When the Ross's was turned away, I would lose it behind a duck. - EB

Classic shape. Round head. |

It appears that you can see some of the black in the wingtips. |

This photos shows that the ducks that are sideways do appear close in size. |

Nov 13, 2013, Lake Hartwell. I found a ROSS'S GOOSE. Diagnostic video was taken of the bird. These
photos are pretty good at showing the distinctive body shape, proportions, clean whiteness, and black wingtips.


Ross's Goose at Lake Hartwell 02/04/2015 |

I found a ROSS'S GOOSE at Lake Hartwell, GA (and SC) on 11/21/2014. Could see the bird fairly well
at times especially when it would fly, making wide circles around the lake. Very small goose, appearing a little larger
than Ring-billed Gull. Could see the stubby triangular bill at times. Short neck, round head, black wing tips.
I found some Snow Geese in the area also.


Ross's Goose - Extreme lake haze that day. Fortunately, got a flight pic/vid. |