White-rumped Sandpiper (top left corner), Semi-palmated Sandpipers |
White-rumped Sandpiper
Fieldmarks noted:
Note the slightly decurved bill.
You can see the size difference.
They also appeared chunky.
They appeared fairly light colored, which was probably why
the camera had problems focusing on them.
I could see their white rumps when they flew and preened.

Same White-rumped Sandpiper; note the crossed wingtips. |

Below are two White-rumped Sandpipers that I found at E. L. Huie LAF on June 9, 2006.

White-rumped Sanpipers at E. L. Huie 6/09/06 |

I also found three White-rumpeds at Huie on 6/13/06. |

Short-billed Dowitcher (confirmed by call note and tail, etc) |

I found it near my house on Spalding/Lamar County line. |

I found this Short-billed Dowitcher at Lake Hartwell, GA 09/20/2015. Barred tertials were noted.

Last time I was here (two weeks ago) I found and took some decent photos of two Buff-breasted Sandpipers.
This time I saw two Buffies way in the distance. Here is a photo of one in-between two Pectorals. Note the color,
the round head, the dark eye, and the short bill. 09/20/2015 Lake Hartwell GA.

I found seven Sanderlings at Lake Hartwell GA 09/20/2015. They were seen running, feeding, and flying across
the lake. Large peep, very pale gray upper body, white underneath, short bill. Wings striking in flight.
Black wings with white stripe down the middle of upper wing.