Below is a Red-necked Grebe I found at
Clarks Hill Lake on 03/27/2014.

Red-necked Grebe at Clarks Hill 03/27/2014. |
is one I found at Lake Hartwell.

Red-necked Grebe with Horned Grebe at Lake Hartwell 03/18/2015 |

Red-necked Grebe with Elrod Ferry in background |
is another account of one that Michael and I found:
Michael Beohm and I did a quick check of Lake Walter F. George on 2/19/2006 around 5pm. We found
a first winter RED-NECKED GREBE by the dam in GA and eventually in AL waters.
Red-necked Grebes are rare to accidental in GA and accidental in the area of GA where we found this one. There
are only about two or three records for the coastal plain. Sightings of one in the Southeastern US usually causes a
sensation on the RBA's.
Due to the low-light conditions, I didn't expect my $200 camera to produce any good photos. However,
I am satisfied with these two. We could see all fieldmarks clearly through my scope: large size for a grebe,
long thick bill, pale earpatch, distinctive shape, bill held angled down, broad head, gray thick neck,
white underbelly. Actually, some of these fieldmarks can be slightly seen from these two photos.
Eric Beohm
